Partial Hiatus

Things have been messy lately.

My mind feels like it would look like a bowl of strawberry pudding that exploded in the microwave.

It's final exams time, and I've got two exams on one day (awesome) which both cover all the material from the beginning of the term. On top of this, I've got many things to do to prep for my co-operative placement starting in the summer and my semester abroad next September. Tack on top of this the daily joys of adult life - bills, groceries, bills, bill - and my mind feels like it's hardly got enough space to think.

My mind is drained of its creative inputs. Normally I read books and watch Korean dramas every day but I've been in a book slump lately and there just isn't enough time for my dramas. My brain has been solely devoted to the real-world subjects of criminology and the kind of literature that makes me feel the same way I do about math.

All of this is to say that I'll be taking a partial hiatus for a few weeks. I will still be posting my Waiting on Wednesdays, but there most likely will be significantly less book reviews or Korean drama thoughts.

We'll talk soon, friends. Until then, read enough for the two of us.



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