Once upon a time, a girl had a father, a prince, a society of friends. Then they betrayed her, and she destroyed them all.
Hell yeah, she destroyed them all.
The Rose Society by Marie Lu is the second in the series The Young Elites, and I just may be more excited for this one than I was for the first. As I mentioned before, The Young Elites seemed liked a prologue; it felt like the prequel to the villain's story, because Adelina Amouteru is no hero, and her story is just beginning.
Adelina Amouteru’s heart has suffered at the hands of both family and friends, turning her down the bitter path of revenge. Now known and feared as the White Wolf, she and her sister flee Kenettra to find other Young Elites in the hopes of building her own army of allies. Her goal: to strike down the Inquisition Axis, the white-cloaked soldiers that murdered her love, the Crown Prince Enzo Valenciano.
But Adelina is no heroine. Her powers, fed only by fear and hate, have started to grow beyond her control. She does not trust her newfound Elite friends. Teren Santoro, leader of the Inquisition, wants her dead. And her former friends, Raffaele and the Dagger Society, want to stop her thirst for vengeance. Adelina struggles to cling to the good within her. But how can someone be good, when her very existence depends on darkness?
What I'm really excited for in The Rose Society is the double action; Adelina is going to have trouble coming from the Young Elites and the Inquisition Axis, and how she's going to deal with it - that's the gold rose, here.
Adelina's darkness was something I really loved about her in the first book: she was the dark knight, the anti-hero, the perfect villain to the saviour shining hero. But this is not the Young Elites' story, and it is not the Inquisition Axis' story. It's Adelina's. And I'm worried about her (I see her as a personal [fictional] friend, see); I'm scared that she's going to self-destruct, self-combust. I hope she doesn't. I want her triumph, but what would her success really mean for her world and the people close to her?
We'll have to wait until October 2015 (no! so far away!) to find out.
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